Saturday, September 29, 2012

Where Have I Been?

I didn't realize that is have been almost four months since I last wrote a blog.  As a social media professional, you would think I would be blogging every day about what was on my mind that day.  So, what have I been doing?

I have been doing a lot more social media presentations to both employment networking groups and also small business groups.  I take pride in sharing everything I know about social media and if I were to help someone out that day, I would feel like I have accomplished something.  This past year I have also been involved with my local Toastmasters chapter, so I am getting the experience getting in front of people and providing a great presentation.  I never thought five or six years ago that I would have no problem giving presentations.

My website and social media business is doing real well.  I have had a great variety of clients ranging from an insurance company, a real estate agent, a staffing company and even a dating service.  I have to say it is fun looking for content for a dating service.  All in all, being able to research and post great content for these businesses make my business fun.  Also great content brings increased dialogue and discussions.  I also take pride that I know how to help small businesses grow using social media as a way to reach that customer they could not have reached any other way.

A lot of people don't know that I also own a franchise of, which is an incredible online shopping site which blends people power (shop consultants), social media and an extensive product brokerage that makes amazon look small, if you can believe that.  I love this business, since the primary focus is helping others succeed.  I have been doing this business for four years now and I think it the best way to learn and get into a business for the first time.  The training and the people you associate with are the most positive and driven professionals you would ever meet.  Of course, there are challenges such as partnering with the right people to help build your business.  Unfortunately, only 5% of people in the USA today fit this category.   but I like challenges and I will continue to partner with the ambitious, the entrepreneurial, the go-nows.

Of course, with business comes fun too.  Even as busy as I was, I was able to enjoy this past summer.   I feel so blessed to live in New England.  I was able to hike mountains in Maine, go to the great beaches of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, and catch a few rock concerts this summer.  So, the old adage of work hard, play hard, was the story of my life this summer.

So here we are, going into the extended holiday season.  Let's socialize, shop and stay in touch.