Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Content is King in the Marketing World, Really.

I have been involved with social media and marketing for about six years now in addition to my core career in Information Technology and has always heard a consistent message from marketing experts that the content on your internet platforms determines your success on the web and in business.   They say content is the fuel for your marketing engine.   So why do some company's avoid this stated fact and stick with those static web platforms.

There are three types of content.  There is high content which is paid content such as trade blogs.   There is medium level content such as a question/answer forum for a product or service a company provides.  Then there is low content which is user generated.  Medium and low content have a 60-80% direct referral rate where this type of content has the potential to generate the most leads for your business.   This is pretty impressive but it doesn't initially lead to a sale/deal.   With all of the information on the web and the intense research people do today, it can take up to ten pieces of content before a purchasing decision is made.  So, what does that mean?   By refreshing your content on your web platform, you keep your potential customers engaged, and engaged potential customers would become real customers.

So, just like the old SEO buzzword, you will continue to hear that you will need keep up your web platforms with fresh content.  A great example of a platform that is considered the content king is the UR Business Network.   Content is refreshed almost hourly on the site and the result is the site gets over 500 thousand hits a month.   Not bad for a startup company.   Content is king in the marketing world, really.

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