Saturday, January 17, 2015

So it is 2015, Now What?

We are in interesting times.    Protests in the middle of busy expressways in major cities, cheap gas, and the possibility of the Olympics coming to Boston in nine short years.   Ask anyone even a year ago if any of this is possible, and you would get that confused stare.

Actually, we are in good times, but despite it all, there is a sense of "Where do we go from here?" this year.  Terrorism is back in the spotlight, it is not very popular to be a police officer and the economy is just plan weird.  With social media in the mainstream, everyone has a voice and opinion to be heard via that infamous social media post.  It has opened up possibilities of that person either needing to hide in the most remote place with fear of being killed or becoming the newest Kim Kardashian.

It looks like this year is going to turn out to the best in years, really....
The cost of living is actually going down (the income tax rate went down in Massachusetts in 2015), the cost of travel has gone down, there are more professional opportunities, anyone can get married now regardless of orientation.  We are in positive times.   But why is there so much hate in those social media posts?   It makes you think, "Now What?"   Would everyone be happier if gas was $9/gallon, the unemployment rate was higher than the tax rate in New York or social media didn't exist?

It will be interesting where we will be, at the end of this year.  I have good vibes about this year, I really do.  I hope you do to.   Any guesses on the next surprise?  The Cubs winning the World Series?  Nah.

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